2015-2016 Academic Year
Peer Reviewed Publications/Journal Articles
Behrens V, Dudaryk R, Nedeff N, Tobin J, Varon A. "Ryder Cognitive Aid Checklist for Trauma Anesthesia." Anesthesia Analgesia; May 2016 122(5): 1484-7.
McNeer RR, Dudaryk R, Nedeff NB, Bennett CL. “Development and Testing of Screen-Based and Psychometric Instruments for Assessing Resident Performance in an Operating Room Simulator.” Anesthesiology Research Practice. 2016. Epub 2016 May 11.
Ang D, McKenney M, Norwood S, Kurek S, Kimbrell B, Liu H, Ziglar M, Hurst J Benchmarking, Statewide Trauma Mortality Using Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Patient Safety Indicators. Journal of Surgical Research, JSURGRES-D-00137R2, 2015 Sep; 198(1) 34-40. Doi 10.1016/j.jss.2015.05.053 Epub 2015 Jun3. PMID: 26115808
Ochner CN, Tsai AG, Kushner RF, Wadden TA. Treating obesity seriously: when recommendations for lifestyle change confront biological adaptations. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2015;3:232-4.
Ochner CN, Tsai AG, Kushner RF, Wadden TA. Reversable biological adaptations in obesity- Author’s reply. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2015;3:314-5.
Books/Book Chapters
Chan L, Marcucci C, Sandson N, Lalwani K: Double indemnity, in Marcucci C, Hutchens MP, Wittwer ED (eds.): A Case Approach to Peri-operative Drug-Drug Interactions. New York, Springer, Chapter 58. 2015.
Chan L, Lalwani K: Special ‘k’ase, in Marcucci C, Hutchens MP, Wittwer ED (eds.): A Case Approach to Perioperative DrugDrug Interactions. New York, Springer, Chapter 68. 2015.
Chan L, Lalwani K: Determined and desperate to diet, in Marcucci C, Hutchens MP, Wittwer ED (eds.): A Case Approach to Peri-operative Drug-Drug Interactions. New York, Springer, Chapter 204. 2015.
Juried or refereed abstracts or exhibitions
R. R. McNeer, C. L. Bennett, N. Nedeff, R. Dudaryk. "Effect of Noise on Anesthesia Resident Performance in an Operating Room Simulator". Research Abstract. IARS 2015 Annual Meeting and International Science Symposium. Honolulu, HI. March 2015.
Gonzalez, C. “Radiofrequency Ablation: Fundamentals and Indications” Florida Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting. West Palm Beach, FL, June 13, 2015.
Gonzalez, C. “Pain Management: An Overview of Current and Future Practices.” Florida Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting. West Palm Beach, FL, June 13, 2015.